Help to Grow: Management Course | Kingston University

The Sales Pitch

By Zoe Gilks
September 21, 2023

So we’ve created a story, developed a customer persona now should be ready to convert with your sales pitch.

As a non sales person, this can be quite daunting – maybe with images of identikit blue suits, BMW’s and a wide white teeth smile. Remember it boils down to one person having a conversation with another person, both with their own aims and objectives. As with many things in life preparation and practice are your best go to.


Learn your unique benefits and value proposition off by heart and be confident in that knowledge. Really get into the mindset of your customer persona, what language they like to use, what is an immediate turn off. What are their wants, needs, challenges. Do they want facts and figures, real life examples, detailed product information – have these prepared and to hand. Know what you need to process the sale – is it access to paperwork, payment system or a follow up RFQ for example. Know the limitations in negotiating price or the product.


Practice with members of your team, friends and family. Understand the questions they have to improve your pitch or preparation and continuously improve. Reflect on your own delivery – the words you are using, your own body language and the energy you bring to the sale. Practice listening to your individual customer, understand their specific needs and requirements and then (using your prep work) align how your business can help or answer their questions or concerns. If you don’t know something, explain your next steps to find out for them and give a definitive

The close

Be confident in how you need to process the sale and communicate this clearly. Is it agreeing a timeframe of delivery or an immediate payment and exchange of goods? Ensure you both know
what has been agreed, next steps and timing.

I believe people buy from people, so be yourself, be confident in your preparation and continuously learn and improve as you practice.